Community Input Needed

Your input is needed and valued at our upcoming community input sessions about our long range facility needs. To help increase attendance and provide options, we've added a second community session since my newsletter last week.

Please save the dates and consider attending one or both of these community input sessions:

  • Saturday, March 5th at 9:00 AM in the Northview Cafeteria
  • Monday, March 7th at 6:00 PM in the Middle School Cafeteria

We will be providing free childcare while you attend the sessions, as well as offering tours of each school, if you so desire.
Keep an eye out for postcard coming to your mailboxes next week!  Please encourage your friends and family to attend, especially those that don’t have kids in our schools.  ALL residents that live in our district will get a postcard, but only parents and guardians get the emails and newsletters.
Thank you for your support in making our schools the best they can be!