Do you have questions or concerns about your three- or four-year-old child’s development? The School District of Howards Grove provides free screening to identify possible delays. This screening is entirely voluntary, but we are hoping that parents will take advantage of this opportunity to have their child’s development evaluated.

Developmental screenings will be held on 3/1/2018 and 3/2/2018 for all three- and four-year-olds.
We encourage all children who will be three or four by Sept. 1, 2018 to attend. You will receive a letter, with
more specific information, from the Northview Office. If you do not receive a letter by mid-February, please
call the Northview school office at 920-565-4457.

How Does Your Child Grow?
By three months: has begun to make sounds; reacts to sudden noises; listens to speaker’s voice; raises
head when on stomach; tries to fi nd speaker’s face with eyes.
By six months: rolls over, laughs, coos, babbles; lifts head while on stomach; reaches for and holds toys;
looks toward source sound; watches hands.
By 1 year: pulls self to standing; sits without support, plays peek-a-boo and patta-cake; feeds self with fi ngers;
jabbers expressively; reaches out for familiar person, shakes head no.
By 1-½ years: runs (awkwardly); walks upstairs using railing; tells fi rst name; imitates scribbling; enjoys
listening to stories; unzips zipper; separates easily from parents; helps with simple household chores; gives
names of toys or members of family; imitates adults doing simple tasks; recognizes self in mirror.
By 2-½ years: asks for food and drink; pedals tricycle; can kick a large ball; uses 2-3 word sentences; vocabulary
of about 50 words; turns pages in a book (1 or 2 at a time); uses pronouns like “I, you, me,” although
these may not always be correct; gives one object when asked; names three body parts.
By 3 years: walks up and down stairs alternating feet; washes and dries hands; dresses self with supervision;
matches colors; copies a circle; combines 3 words; builds an 8-block tower; vocabulary of some 100 words;
produces most sounds correctly except for s, l, and r; gets involved in make-believe play; repeats certain
rhymes or television jingles; plays alone with toys; recognizes own name; runs without falling.
By 4 years: speaks in short, complete sentences; plays group games like hide-and-seek and understands
“taking turns”; names colors; counts to 2; balances on one foot; catches a bounced ball; traces diamond shapes.
By 5 years: plays competitive games; expresses sympathy or concern when appropriate; can make simple
comparisons (such as heavier, taller, longer, and so on); counts up to 4; turns somersaults; cuts along a straight
line with a scissors; understands ideas like “yesterday, today, tomorrow”; prints a few capital letters.
By 6 years: crosses street safely; distinguishes left from right; counts to 6; understands “fair play”; skips on
alternate feet; laces shoes; understands numbers to 10; prints fi rst name.